


This blog discusses topics that exist between the fields cognitive psychology and leadership, teaching and learning. Although I make connections between research and personal experience (my attempt at bridging the age-old ‘theory-practice’ gap), I write for a general audience. It is as Mihaly Csikszenmihalyi stated in the preface of his book FLOW:

“To take this step is somewhat dangerous, because as soon as one strays from the stylised constraints of academic prose, it is easy to become careless or overly enthusiastic about such a topic” (p. xi)

To avoid carelessness, I will endeavour to include references to journal articles, books and alike (as commonly expected in academic writing), but not at the expense of accessibility and ease of reading. This will be a delicate balance and one I will endeavour to achieve.

To end, I chose the word ‘discusses’ in the first sentence of this preface, to highlight that although the blog articles themselves are very much a dialogue between myself and what I read, I encourage you to share your comments and questions, so that we may start a more authentic discussion. 

Boosting Young Learners’ Thinking Skills: What the Research Says About Metacognitive Interventions

Helping Students Think About Their Thinking: What the Research Says About Metacognition Interventions

Can young children develop the skills to plan, monitor, and adjust their learning? A recent meta-analysis of 67 studies says yes—but how we teach metacognition matters. This post unpacks key findings for educators, including why teacher-led interventions are the most effective, how metacognition strengthens executive function and self-efficacy over time, and practical strategies to embed these skills into everyday teaching. Read on to discover how small, intentional shifts can help students become independent, confident learners.Would you like me to tweak it for a different audience or tone?

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Shyam Barr
Enhancing Self-Regulated Learning: A Meta-Analysis of Tools for Monitoring

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, fostering self-regulated learning (SRL) is crucial for learners to adapt and thrive. One key aspect of SRL is self-monitoring, where students assess their learning progress and strategies. Various tools, such as learning journals, portfolios, and rubrics, have been developed to promote self-monitoring. But do these tools genuinely enhance learning outcomes? A recent meta-analysis by Dignath, Perels, and Fabriz (2023) sheds light on this question…

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Shyam Barr
Who can you TRUST? Navigating Information in a ChatGPT Era

You sit down at your computer. A fresh cup of tea in hand and you’re ready to read this education article. As you start to read, your mind wanders:

I wonder if Shyam actually wrote this or whether it was generated by ChatGPT?
Would Shyam do that? What if he has? How can I be sure that what I’m reading is actually his original thinking?

Hand on heart - This is me. My original thought. Do you trust me?…

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Shyam Barr
Improve Your Students' Motivation Using This One Key Strategy

How do I motivate my students?

This is by far one of the most common questions I am asked.

As teachers, we often make evaluations of motivations based on what we see – observation of student behaviour or engagement with a task… but there are a set of beliefs that underpin motivation that we, as teachers, can intervene with.

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Shyam Barr
The Intriguing Psychology Behind Decision Making in Self Regulated Learning - Part 2

“A self-regulated learner might be able to easily decide a way forward in a well-defined situation. However, in an ill-defined situation, they may need to rely on “psychological tools such as heuristics, experience and intuition” to self-regulate.”

In this blog, I unpack some common decision making heuristics that can be applied in the context of self-regulated learning.

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5 Early Signs of Teacher Burnout & How to Combat Exhaustion in a Post-Pandemic World

Teacher stress and burnout is a serious concern globally. I have many conversations with educational leaders and teachers who are driven by the intention to serve their students to the best of their abilities… but at the potential sacrifice of their own wellbeing and health. Here are some early warning signs to look out for and the steps you can take to stop the burnout & exhaustion in its tracks and return to a state of restored balance and optimum wellbeing.

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Shyam Barr
Goal-setting applied to OUR Relationship - Family Planning Retreat - Feb 2022

I talk a lot about goal-setting in a learning context, but what about in a relationship context??

If you are in a relationship (dating, married, or maybe further along and leading your family...) and you feel like you & your partner might be on different pages & you're keen to achieve greater alignment.. this one's for YOU!

NOTE: Self-regulated learning is a process of planning, monitoring, and evaluating. The planning phase involves GOAL-SETTING, as it allows one to measure progress against a target outcome. Goals are not limited to academic domains… so what about relationships?

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Shyam Barr
Self-Care In Lockdown: 3 Tips To Protect Your Mindset

Maintaining a healthy mindset during (and in between) lockdowns is imperative to every aspect of our life, work, and wellbeing. If you find yourself struggling with lockdown or quarantine, but want to find some joy amid the challenge, then this blog is for you. Here are 3 self-care strategies that I use to help keep me positive through these tough times.

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Shyam Barr
Enhance your reflective practice with this simple tool

Learning underpins everything we do. The act of learning itself, in my mind – exists on a continuum from surface learning to deep learning. Both serve a purpose, but I like to position myself as often as possible at the ‘deep learning’ end of the spectrum. This requires critical reflection achieved through a rich reflective practice (practice of reflection). Do you follow?

How do you currently engage in reflection?

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